Dear vegan-helpers, I calculated an NMDS with metaMDS and then displayed the results with ordiplot. The NMDS consist of 4 axes. I want to plot two diagrams: 1st vs. 2nd and 3rd vs. 4th axis. I used the ordiplot-command choices = c(1,2) and c(3,4), respectively. 1st vs. 2nd does not make any problem, but 3rd vs. 4th "conceals" some of my relev?s. This means ordiplot scales the NMDS-diagram in way that some relev?s are outside its borders. I could solve this problem by setting xlim/ylim manually. In a second step I want to fit smooth surfaces with ordisurf. However, I could not manage to make ordisurf draw the spline-surfaces to the same extension as the newly defined (xlim/ylim) plot. The "isolines" are still cut at the border of the plot's old extension. Do you know how to handle this? Thank you very much! Kim -- GRATIS f?r alle GMX-Mitglieder: Die maxdome Movie-FLAT!