This appears to be your 3rd unanswered post to r-help in March, all 3 have
been about the Zelig package.
Please read the posting guide and find out the correct place to send
questions about packages. Then you might get an answer.
"Mathew, Abraham T" <amathew at ku.edu> wrote in message
news:281F7A5FDFEF844696011CB21185F8AC0BE7ED at MAILBOX-11.home.ku.edu...
I'm running a multinomial logit in R using the Zelig packages. According to
str(trade962a), my dependent variable is a factor with three levels. When I
run the multinomial logit I get an error message. However, when I run
'model=logit' it works fine. any ideas on whats wrong?
anes96two <- zelig(trade962a ~ age962 + education962 + personal962 +
economy962 + partisan962 + employment962 + union962 + home962 + market962 +
race962 + income962, model="logit", data=data96)
#Error in attr(tt, "depFactors")$depFactorVar :
# $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
zelig(formula = trade962a ~ age962 + education962 + personal962 +
economy962 + partisan962 + employment962 + union962 + home962 +
market962 + race962 + income962, model = "logit", data = data96)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2.021 -1.179 0.764 1.032 1.648
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -0.697675 0.600991 -1.161 0.2457
age962 0.003235 0.004126 0.784 0.4330
education962 -0.065198 0.038002 -1.716 0.0862 .
personal962 0.006827 0.072421 0.094 0.9249
economy962 -0.200535 0.084554 -2.372 0.0177 *
partisan962 0.092361 0.079005 1.169 0.2424
employment962 -0.009346 0.044106 -0.212 0.8322
union962 -0.016293 0.149887 -0.109 0.9134
home962 -0.150221 0.133685 -1.124 0.2611
market962 0.292320 0.128636 2.272 0.0231 *
race962 0.205828 0.094890 2.169 0.0301 *
income962 0.263363 0.048275 5.455 4.89e-08 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05
'.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
Null deviance: 1841.2 on 1348 degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 1746.3 on 1337 degrees of freedom
(365 observations deleted due to missingness)
AIC: 1770.3
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4