Marsh wrote:>
> Excuse me for what I'm sure is a stupid beginner's question, but
> given up trying to find the answer to this question from the help,
> RSiteSearch, or any of the usual places.
> I have a list that looks like this:
> >myList
> $first
> [1] "--" "18" "8" "32"
> $second
> [1] "--" "--" "40" "54"
> I want a straightforward way to replace "--" with NA so that the
> looks like:
> >myList
> $first
> [1] NA "18" "8" "32"
> $second
> [1] NA NA "40" "54"
> Now I know I can do something like:
> myList$first <- sub("--",NA,myList$first)
> but the real list has lots of components. So is there some easy way to
> do something like:
> myList <- applier(myList,sub,"--",NA)
> where "applier" is a function that will do what I want? I tried
> lapply, sapply, etc. without luck.
> Thank,
> Marsh
You had it correct if you use lapply, you just need to name the additional
arguments you are passing:
myList <- lapply( myList, sub, pattern = '--', replacement = NA )
The sub-lists of myList will be positionally matched to the third argument
of the sub function, which is x.
Hope this helps!
Charlie Sharpsteen
Undergraduate-- Environmental Resources Engineering
Humboldt State University
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