I am using PROC LOGISTIC to model binary outcomes. I have observed Y (1 or 0) from original data. I also have got predicted probability for each observation (i.e. predicted probability of event Y=1) from PROC LOGISTIC. Let us call it - p_hat. for example, I would have two columns - Y p_hat 1 0.6 0 0.3 1 0.45 ... I would like to build a 2X2 classification table - Y =1, Y =0 vs. Y_hat=1, Y_hat =0 to evaluate my classification accuracy. The challenge is - how to derive Y_hat from p_hat? what threshold shall I use to say -- if p_hat > .. then Y_hat = 1 else Y_hat = 0 ------------------------------- Besides, do I have to come up with thresholds/cutting points also for KNN, Neural Net, RandomForest and rpart prediction? Thanks. -- View this message in context: http://n4.nabble.com/binary-response-from-p-hat-to-0-1-tp1594105p1594105.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.