On Thu, 4 Mar 2010, Rebecca Lawrence wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am running the following model:
>> glm89.nb <- glm.nb(AvGUD ~ Year*Trt*Micro)
> where Year has 3 levels, Trt has 2 levels and Micro has 3 levels.
> However when I run it has a zero inflated negative binomial (as I have lots
> of zeros) I get the below error message:
>> Zinb <- zeroinfl(AvGUD ~ Year*Trt*Micro |1, data = AvGUD89, dist
> "negbin")
> Error in optim(fn = loglikfun, gr = gradfun, par = c(start$count,
> start$zero, :
> non-finite value supplied by optim
> For what I have read I think the problem is that for Year level 3 there is
> no Trt 1 and for Year level 1 there is no Micro level 3.
Yes, in that case a number of coefficients are not identified. glm.nb()
handles this more gracefully and sets the non-identified parameters to NA.
I'll think about whether I can do something similar for zeroinfl/hurdle.
For the moment, here's a workaround: You can set up a data frame that
contains only the identified regressors and call zeroinfl() with that. For
illustration I use the quine data from the "MASS" package:
## packages and data
data("quine", package = "MASS")
## subset of data with some combination missing
quine2 <- subset(quine, !(Age == "F3" & Sex == "M"))
## glm.nb() works and yields some NA coefficients
fm1 <- glm.nb(Days ~ Eth * Sex * Age, data = quine2)
## zeroinfl() fails
fm2 <- zeroinfl(Days ~ Eth * Sex * Age | 1, data = quine2,
dist = "negbin")
## set up version of data with non-identified regressors omitted
quine3 <- as.data.frame(model.matrix(fm1)) ## all regressors
quine3 <- quine3[, !is.na(coef(fm1))] ## only identified
quine3 <- quine3[, -1] ## omit intercept
quine3$Days <- quine2$Days ## add response
## re-fit glm.nb()
fm1a <- glm.nb(Days ~ ., data = quine3)
## equivalent to previous fit
logLik(fm1a) - logLik(fm1)
coef(fm1a) - na.omit(coef(fm1))
## fit zeroinfl(), now works
fm2a <- zeroinfl(Days ~ . | 1, data = quine3, dist = "negbin")
> I cannot find a solution to this problem, is there any way I can solve this
> so I can run the zero inflated model?
> Thank you for your time
> Rebecca
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