This is tricky.
gamm4 is basing AIC on the (approximate) marginal likelihood with the smooth
terms treated as random effects and integrated out. The appropriate degrees
of freedom are then the number of smoothing parameters + the number of fixed
effects. This is completely conventional AIC.
gam is basing AIC on a likelihood in which the smooths are treated as if they
were fixed effects but with degrees of freedom reduced to allow for the fact
that smoothing penalties have been applied. This is an approximate AIC as
suggested in Hastie and Tibshirani's 1990 GAM book p158 (there's a
derivation in Wood, 2008 --- see ref list in ?gam).
At the computational level it's hard to argue that one is right and the
wrong. The gamm4 version is just the AIC for a mixed model. For the gam
version, one can almost always find an unpenalized model with approximately
the degrees of freedom of the penalized fit and very nearly the same fitted
values, resulting therefore, in a very similar AIC. (see example code at end)
So the models differ only in how we choose to view the smooths. For `gam'
are viewed as penalized fixed effects. For `gamm4' they are viewed as random
effects *but we don't really believe this model*. Nobody believes that if we
gathered a second replicate of the data that the best fit functions would be
some random draw from the assumed marginal distribution of the smooths. We
believe that the best fit functions would look much the same as they did for
the original replicate. So the justification for using the mixed modelling
approach is really Bayesian: the random effect distributions for the smooths
are *really* priors, it's just that we can do all the computations using
mixed model technology. But if we are really being Bayesian then AIC becomes
a bit problematic....
.... The upshot of this is that the AIC produced by gamm4 ought to be ok for
comparing different models fitted by `gamm4'. But you would probably want to
be careful about using it for any other purpose *unless you believe that your
smooths are really random effects* i.e. unless you'd expect to get a
different smooth each time your data were replicated (albeit with the same
degree of smoothness each time).
So with the functions as they are at present this makes AIC comparison of gam
and gamm4 models a bit awkward. You can either calculate an AIC for `gam'
that is equivalent to the `gamm4' version, by using the reported marginal
likelihood (ML score) from the `gam(...., method="ML")' fit and
the degrees
of freedom given by the number of smoothing parameters + the number of
unpenalized coefficients, or you can calculate the `gam' style AIC for the
`gamm4' fit by using the fitted values from that fit, together with e.g.
binomial()$aic and the effective degrees of freedom reported for the fit.
## penalized versus unpenalized AIC....
dat <- gamSim(1,n=400,dist="normal",scale=2)
Family: gaussian
Link function: identity
y ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3)
Estimated degrees of freedom:
5.1727 2.3571 8.5174 1.0000 total = 18.04718
GCV score: 4.610979
[1] 1747.687
[1] 1748.820
[1] 0.9988816
On Tuesday 26 January 2010 11:16, Andrea Meyer wrote:> Hello
> I'm analyzing a dichotomous dependent variable (dv) with more than 100
> measurements (within-subjects variable: hours24) per subject and more
> than 100 subjects. The high number of measurements allows me to model
> more complex temporal trends.
> I would like to compare different models using GLM, GLMM, GAM and
> GAMM, basically do demonstrate the added value of GAMs/GAMMs relative
> to GLMs/GLMMs, by fitting splines. GLMMs/GAMMs are used to possibly
> improve fits from GLMs/GAMs by accounting for serial dependence.
> My idea is to use AIC to compare the different models. I?ve noticed
> that when setting up two seemingly identical models using the two
> functions gam (of the package mgcv) and gamm4 (of the package with
> same name), the AIC turns out to be different:
> > gam.0<-gam(dv ~
> s(hours24,fx=F,k=-1,bs=?cc?),method="ML",data=sdata,
> > gamm.0<-gamm4(dv ~
> s(hours24,fx=F,k=-1,bs=?cc?),method="ML",data=sdata,
> Fit indices using the commands as shown are:
> > logLik(gam.0)[1];deviance(gam.0);AIC(gam.0)
> > logLik(gamm.0$mer);deviance(gamm.0$mer);attributes(summary(gamm.
> 0$mer))$AICtab[1]
> gam.0: logLik=1149.6, deviance=2299.3, AIC=2316.0
> gamm.0: logLik=1169.0, deviance=2338.0, AIC=2342.0
> The differences between the two AIC values seem to be based on two
> factors. First, gam uses the effective degrees of freedom
> > sum(gam.0$edf)
> [1] 8.372517
> whereas gamm4 uses the value 2. Second the two log-likelihood values
> already differ, probably because different estimation methods are used
> but here is were my understanding ends. In any case from gamm4 I can
> get the same value for the deviance as for gam by referring to the
> deviance slot:
> > gamm.0$mer at deviance["disc"], which returns the value
2299.3, which
> is the deviance without compensation for the null deviance.
> My questions are:
> - Is my suggested method of comparing fits among GLM, GLMM, GAM and
> GAMM using AIC legitimate? Of course I will do additional model
> plotting using residuals etc. as well but it seems important to me to
> have a more direct method of comparing these models (I?m aware of the
> fact that AIC is a rough estimate when it comes to generalized mixed
> models).
> - If so, how can I compute the AICs using gam and gamm4 such that they
> can be compared A) with each other and B) with AICs obtained from GLM/
> Any suggestions are welcome
> Andrea
> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
-- > Simon Wood, Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY UK
> +44 1225 386603