Fabrice DELENTE wrote:> Hello.
> Sorry for this very basic question but I didn't find (of didn't
> the answer either in the help or in the online guide.
> I have a string, let's say "hello". I want to know if there
is some
> character in it, let's say an 'o'.
> I tried
>> charmatch("o", strstplit("hello",""))
> but it gives NA (why??)
> Thinking it may be a type problem, I tried
> but it gives NA too (why???)
> So how can I know if a given string contains a given char?
> Thanks!
grep("o", "hello")
if the output is 1, there is a match. Note that the command is
vectorized so:
grep("o", c("hello","pizza", "spam",
also works, picking out items 1 and 4 as containing an "o". The first
argument to grep is a regular expression, and this can be very powerful.
For example, which words start with a "p":
grep("^p", c("hello","pizza", "spam",
Check out more stuff on regular expressions on the internet. They are
very powerful, but take some time to learn.
Drs. Paul Hiemstra
Department of Physical Geography
Faculty of Geosciences
University of Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 2
P.O. Box 80.115
3508 TC Utrecht
Phone: +3130 274 3113 Mon-Tue
Phone: +3130 253 5773 Wed-Fri