OK, I think I figured it out (each level of id corresponds to only one
level of variable in m.test).
On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 4:59 PM, Ista Zahn <izahn at psych.rochester.edu>
wrote:> Hi all,
> I think I'm cracking up. Please help me understand why I'm getting
> different results with m.test and m.test2 in the example below.
>> library(reshape)
> Loading required package: plyr
>> m.test <- data.frame(id = factor(rep(1:10, 2)),
variable=rep(c("var1","var2"),10), value=rnorm(20))
>> cast(m.test, ...~variable, value="value") ## cast is
aggregating even though I have ... in the formula.
> Aggregation requires fun.aggregate: length used as default
> ? id var1 var2
> 1 ? 1 ? ?2 ? ?0
> 2 ? 2 ? ?0 ? ?2
> 3 ? 3 ? ?2 ? ?0
> 4 ? 4 ? ?0 ? ?2
> 5 ? 5 ? ?2 ? ?0
> 6 ? 6 ? ?0 ? ?2
> 7 ? 7 ? ?2 ? ?0
> 8 ? 8 ? ?0 ? ?2
> 9 ? 9 ? ?2 ? ?0
> 10 10 ? ?0 ? ?2
>> test2 <- data.frame(id=factor(1:10), var1=rnorm(10), var2=rnorm(1))
>> m.test2 <- melt(test2, id="id")
>> cast(m.test2, ...~variable, value="value") ## this is the
result I want. I don't understand why I'm not getting the same thing for
> ? id ? ? ? ?var1 ? ? ?var2
> 1 ? 1 ?0.19829479 -0.642097
> 2 ? 2 ?0.37971900 -0.642097
> 3 ? 3 -0.23557248 -0.642097
> 4 ? 4 ?0.12969246 -0.642097
> 5 ? 5 -0.12019995 -0.642097
> 6 ? 6 ?0.09744247 -0.642097
> 7 ? 7 -1.24467558 -0.642097
> 8 ? 8 ?1.69505449 -0.642097
> 9 ? 9 ?1.60714925 -0.642097
> 10 10 ?0.11961170 -0.642097
> Thanks,
> --
> Ista Zahn
> Graduate student
> University of Rochester
> Department of Clinical and Social Psychology
> http://yourpsyche.org
Ista Zahn
Graduate student
University of Rochester
Department of Clinical and Social Psychology