Rafael Moral
2010-Jan-19 17:00 UTC
[R] splitting a factor in an analysis of deviance table (negative binomial model)
Dears useRs, I have 2 factors, (for the sake of explanation - A and B), with 4 levels each. I've already fitted a negative binomial generalized linear model to my data, and now I need to split the factors in two distinct analysis of deviance table: - A within B1, A within B2, A within B3 and A within B4 - B within A1, B within A2, B within A3 and B within A4 Here is a code that illustrates my problem: # inputing my data require(MASS) my.data <- data.frame("A"=rep(c(rep("Alevel1",4),rep("Alevel2",4),rep("Alevel3",4),rep("Alevel4",4)),4), "B"=c(rep("Blevel1",16),rep("Blevel2",16),rep("Blevel3",16),rep("Blevel4",16)), "value"=rnegbin(64, 10, 10)) # fitting the model with interaction (a + b + a:b) model <- glm.nb(value ~ A*B, data=my.data) anova(model, test="F") Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev F Pr(>F) NULL 63 80.639 A 3 1.374 60 79.265 0.4581 0.7115 B 3 2.285 57 76.980 0.7616 0.5155 A:B 9 9.700 48 67.280 1.0778 0.3753 #until here it's ok, now I need to redistribute the 12 degrees of freedom (B+A:B -> 3+9) into 4 splitted factors (A within B1, A within B2...) model2 <- glm.nb(value ~ A/((B=="Blevel1")+(B=="Blevel2")+(B=="Blevel3")+(B=="Blevel4")), data=my.data) anova(model2, test="F") Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev F Pr(>F) NULL 63 80.639 A 3 1.374 60 79.265 0.4581 0.7115 A:B == "Blevel1" 4 3.871 56 75.394 0.9676 0.4238 A:B == "Blevel2" 4 5.236 52 70.158 1.3090 0.2639 A:B == "Blevel3" 4 2.878 48 67.280 0.7195 0.5784 A:B == "Blevel4" 0 0.000 48 67.280 However, the 12 degrees of freedom are distributed as 4,4,4,0 and not 3,3,3,3, as I expected. Is there a way of obtaining the split I need? Thanks in advance, all the best! Rafael. ____________________________________________________________________________________ [[elided Yahoo spam]] [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Walmes Zeviani
2010-May-28 23:07 UTC
[R] splitting a factor in an analysis of deviance table (negative binomial model)
Sorry by the delay. You could do:> my.data <- expand.grid(A=factor(1:4), B=factor(1:4), rep=1:4) > my.data$y <- rbinom(my.data$A, 10, 0.5) > > model <- glm(cbind(y, 10-y)~A*B, family=binomial, data=my.data) > anova(model, test="Chisq" )Analysis of Deviance Table Model: binomial, link: logit Response: cbind(y, 10 - y) Terms added sequentially (first to last) Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev P(>|Chi|) NULL 63 53.528 A 3 1.6792 60 51.849 0.6416 B 3 2.9380 57 48.911 0.4013 A:B 9 13.8380 48 35.073 0.1282> > X <- model.matrix(~A/B, my.data) > > A <- X[,2:4] > B.A1 <- X[,grep("A1:", colnames(X))] > B.A2 <- X[,grep("A2:", colnames(X))] > B.A3 <- X[,grep("A3:", colnames(X))] > B.A4 <- X[,grep("A4:", colnames(X))] > > model2 <- glm(cbind(y, 10-y)~A+B.A1+B.A2+B.A3+B.A4, family=binomial, > data=my.data) > anova(model2, test="Chisq")Analysis of Deviance Table Model: binomial, link: logit Response: cbind(y, 10 - y) Terms added sequentially (first to last) Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev P(>|Chi|) NULL 63 53.528 A 3 1.6792 60 51.849 0.64156 B.A1 3 1.2924 57 50.556 0.73093 B.A2 3 4.3126 54 46.244 0.22962 B.A3 3 1.8865 51 44.357 0.59629 B.A4 3 9.2844 48 35.073 0.02574 * --- Signif. codes: 0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1>Walmes. ----- ..ooo0 ................................................................................................... ..(....)... 0ooo... Walmes Zeviani ...\..(.....(.....)... Master in Statistics and Agricultural Experimentation ....\_)..... )../.... walmeszeviani at hotmail.com, Lavras - MG, Brasil ............ (_/............................................................................................ -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/splitting-a-factor-in-an-analysis-of-deviance-table-negative-binomial-model-tp1017744p2235345.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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