The following code gives you functionality close to what you are looking for
(I think)... but someone more familar with proto might be able to make it
sexier. You will need to install the package 'proto' (though with a bit
work you might be able to do this without proto, using environments alone.
my.mat <- function(mat) {
structure(proto( expr = {
mat <- mat
set.vals <- function(., rs, cs, vals) {
if(max(rs) > nrow(.$mat) || min(rs) < 1) stop("row out of
if(max(cs) > ncol(.$mat) || min(cs) < 1) stop("column out
.$mat[rs, cs] <- vals
get.mat.ref <- function(., rows, cols) {
if(max(rows) > nrow(.$mat) || min(rows) < 1) stop("row
out of
if(max(cols) > ncol(.$mat) || min(cols) < 1) stop("column
out of
tmp <- proto(., expr = {
set.vals <- function(., rs, cs, vals) {
if(max(rs) > length(.$rows) || min(rs) < 1)
out of range")
if(max(cs) > length(.$cols) || min(cs) < 1)
out of range")
.super$mat[.$rows[rs], .$cols[cs]] <- vals
tmp$rows <- rows
tmp$cols <- cols
structure(tmp, class=c('my.sub.mat', 'proto',
}), class=c('my.mat', 'proto', 'environment'))
"[.my.mat" <- function(x, ...) get('mat', x)[...]
"[<" <- "[<" <- function(x,
i, j, value) {x$set.vals(i,
j, value); as.proto(x)} <- function(x)
print(get('mat',x)[get('rows', x),
get('cols', x)]) <- function(x) print(get('mat',x))
#You can use this code like:
a <- my.mat(matrix(1:(4*3),4,3))
b <- a$get.mat.ref(2:3, 2:3)
b[1,1] <- 42 # equivalent to b$set.vals(1,1,42)
b[1:2,2] <- 43
a[1,1] <- 44
a[rep(4, 2), 2:3] <- 45
b # print the sub matrix
a # print the matrix
#test passing sub-matrix to a function
test <- function(x) x[2,1] <- 46
a # print the matrix again (it is as we would like)
# extract the original matrix
dat <- a$mat
Hope this helps,
Simon Knapp
On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 12:36 PM, Friedrich <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm am in the process of trying to port a RATS functions to R and have
> the problem, that RATS allows for the creation of submatrixes that are
> linked to their basematrix.
> Basically it should work like this:
> a = matrix(1:(4*3),4,3)
> a
> # [,1] [,2] [,3]
> # [1,] 1 5 9
> # [2,] 2 6 10
> # [3,] 3 7 11
> # [4,] 4 8 12
> # This of course doesnt work :)
> b = submatrix(a,fromx=1,tox=2,fromy=1,toy=2)
> b
> # [,1] [,2]
> # [1,] 0 10
> # [2,] 7 11
> b[1,1] = 42
> a[1,1]
> # [1] 42
> so changes in the sub-matrix propagate to the "base" matrix.
> Does such a feature exist?
> Thanks,
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