I have the following code:
## to check correlation between the simulated uniform data
x2 <- uni[,1] ; x2[1:10]
y2 <- uni[,2] ; y2[1:10]
result2 <- boot(cbind(x2,y2), f, 20)
# get 95% confidence interval
boot.ci(result2, type="bca")
cor.test(x2,y2, method="pearson", conf.level=0.95)
part of my data:
> x2 <- uni[,1] ; x2[1:10]
[1] 0.63933145 0.71677785 0.02181925 0.15913391 0.61021930 0.72878176
0.22237891 0.28178186 0.75503612 0.54928692> y2 <- uni[,2] ; y2[1:10]
[1] 0.65754240 0.49263876 0.01352257 0.19195681 0.65759797 0.89813660
0.24582441 0.12900017 0.78982501 0.68676534
## Result> result2 <- boot(cbind(x2,y2), f, 20)
> result2
boot(data = cbind(x2, y2), statistic = f, R = 20)
Bootstrap Statistics :
original bias std. error
t1* 0.891797 -0.005272889 0.01198383
Not sure about this:
> boot.ci(result2, type="bca")
Error in bca.ci(boot.out, conf, index[1], L = L, t = t.o, t0 = t0.o, h = h, :
estimated adjustment 'a' is NA
> cor.test(x2,y2, method="pearson", conf.level=0.95)
Pearson's product-moment correlation
data: x2 and y2
t = 51.7391, df = 689, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
0.8754420 0.9061121
sample estimates:
My question is when I want to find the confidence interval why it gives me such
How do I get the p-value from the bootstrap?
Thank you so much
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