On Sat, 2 Jan 2010, johannes rara wrote:
> How can I suppress ALL output when running Rscript in Terminal?
> ~/Documents>Rscript test.r
Rscript test.r >& /dev/null
or equivalent in your shell. But note that Rscript produces no
output itself:
tystie% touch test.r
tystie% Rscript test.r
so anything you see is created by your script. If your script
produces output you do not want, the problem lies in your script.
Depending how it is doing it, consider functions like invisible(),
sink() and suppressMessages().
> I tried options --slave, --vanilla with no success. I get these
--slave is the default for Rscript: use Rscript --verbose to see what
it is doing (see ?Rscript).
> Loading required package: methods
> ..etc..
(That one is because you did not specify methods as part of the
initial package list: see ?Rscript.)
> and other output as well.
> -J
>> sessionInfo()
> R version 2.9.2 (2009-08-24)
> i386-apple-darwin8.11.1
> locale:
> fi_FI.UTF-8/fi_FI.UTF-8/C/C/fi_FI.UTF-8/fi_FI.UTF-8
> attached base packages:
> [1] grid splines stats graphics grDevices utils
> datasets methods base
> other attached packages:
> [1] ggplot2_0.8.3 reshape_0.8.3 plyr_0.1.9 proto_0.3-8
> Hmisc_3.7-0 survival_2.35-7
> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
> [1] cluster_1.12.1 lattice_0.17-26
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Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595