jjh <jjharden <at> gmail.com> writes:
> I am running the lmer() command in a for loop and occasionally a particular
> iteration is producing the false convergence warning. I would like to be
> able to mark these iterations with a dummy variable, but I can't find
> other notification besides the warning message, which, in a for loop, only
> is printed after the loop is finished (which does not allow me to see which
> iteration it happened on). Is there any way I can mark which iteration in
> the loop produces the false convergence?
> Thank you.
Something like this might help: you could set it to return
NA or something on the warning.
You might want to direct future questions along these lines
to r-sig-mixed-models at lists.r-project.org ...
## wrap glmer to make warnings into errors
lmer2 <- function(...,action=c("stop","code")) {
action <- match.args(action)
op <- options(warn=2)
x <- try(lmer(...),silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(x,"try-error")) {
if (action=="stop") {
} else if (action=="code") {
stop("stub: code response not implemented yet")
} ## otherwise OK -- fall through