Dear R-helpers, I want to plot series in lattice, starting with symbols, then swiching to a line. One way is to draw symbols then to add lines. My symbol characters and colors look good, but this is not true line colors! I would like my lines having the same color as my symbols. x1 <- rep(1:90,4) y1 <- c(rep(1,9),1+dnorm(-40:40/10)) y1 <- c(y1,2*y1,1.5*y1,2.5*y1) y2<- y <- y1 y1[x1>9] <- NA y2[x1<=9] <- NA df <- data.frame(x1=x1,y1=y1,y2=y2,Type=rep(LETTERS[1:4],c(rep(90,4))), Grain=rep(c("spelt","rye"),c(180,180))) df xyplot(y1~log(x1)|Grain, data=df,groups=Type, xlim=c(0,5),ylim=c(0,4), cc1 = df$y1, cc2 = df$y2, col=trellis.par.get("superpose.line")$col[df$Type], pch=14+as.numeric(df$Type), panel=function(x,y,cc1,cc2,...,subscripts,groups,col,pch) { panel.xyplot(x,cc1[subscripts],type="p",col.symbol=col[subscripts], pch=pch[subscripts] ) panel.lines(x,cc2[subscripts],type="l",col.line=col[subscripts], pch=pch[subscripts]) } ) Regards. Philippe