Hello everyone: I tried to fit a Beta distribution on a right-skewed dataset using: fitdistr(temp,densfun="beta",start=list(shape1=3,shape2=2)) To assess the fit, I proceeded as follows: Using distribution parameters from the sample resulting from fitdistr() function, I generated 1000 samples as: t <- rbeta(1000,3.0176976,6.0976797) qqplot(temp, t) It seems to be reasonable fit except in the tail. I tried ks.test as: ks.test(temp,"pbeta", 3.0176976,6.0976797) One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test data: temp D = 0.044, p-value < 2.2e-16 alternative hypothesis: two-sided But, when I tried: ks.test(t,temp) Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test data: t and temp D = 0.0486, p-value = 0.02729 alternative hypothesis: two-sided Would you please comment on my methodology? I suspect something is wrong. ks.test results are confusing. I used sample parameters (resulting from fitdistr()) to simulate data from assumed distribution, and then plotted simulated data against my original data using qqplot... I will appreciate any suggestions in this regard. Thanks Reez __________________________________________________________________ [[elided Yahoo spam]]