I am trying to estimate home range size using 2 different methods in the adehabitat package, but I am slightly confounded by the results. ## Attached is an R object file containing animal relocations with a field for "id", and "x" & "y" coordinates ## (in metres) load("temp") require(adehabitat) ## This produces the 95% Minimum Convex Polygon area for animal 2002007 mcp.area(xy=temp[,2:3], id=temp$id, percent=95, unin="m", unout="km2", plotit=FALSE)[1] ## This produces an estimation of area under the 95% Fixed Kernel Density kernel.area(temp[,2:3], temp$id, h="href", levels=95, unin="m", unout="km2")[1] Now my question: Why are the two responses not more similar? Since the kernel estimation is more conservative, why is the area obtained by this method more than two times bigger than what is obtained using the Minimum Convex Polygon method? Tyler old.nabble.com/file/p26531917/temp temp -- View this message in context: old.nabble.com/mcp.area-vs.-kernel.area-Output...---tp26531917p26531917.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.