On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 6:22 AM, ychu066 <ychu066 at aucklanduni.ac.nz>
> i was trying to do a for loop for plotting the histograms , but it doesnt
> work properly
>> library(lattice)
>> columns <- 8:153
>> plots <- vector("list", length(columns))
>> j <- 0
>> for (i in columns)
> + {
> + ? plots[[ j <- j+1 ]] <- histogram( ~ data[,i] | data[,2],ylab >
> + ? xlab = "Score", xlim = c(1,5), ylim = c(0,100),layout=c(3,1),
> + ? main = c(colnames(data)[i],"index",j+1),mycolors >
> + ? panel = function(..., col, mycolors) {
> + ? panel.histogram(..., col = mycolors[panel.number()])})
> + trellis.focus('strip', 1, 1, highlight=FALSE)
> + ltext(0.60, -0.25, 'PPM', col='blue', pos=3)
> + trellis.unfocus()
> + }
> Error in grid.Call.graphics("L_downviewport", name$name, strict)
> ?Viewport 'plot1.strip.1.1.vp' was not found
>> print(plots[[1]])
> I am not sure what was happeneing. . . can anyone help me ?
Panel functions are for controlling the panel display. If you want to
control the strip, use the 'strip' argument to provide a custom strip