Christian Hoffmann
2009-Nov-24 22:10 UTC
[R] Aquamacs/emacs and color of echo in R console
Hi I have been unable to find information on the following problem: All the text in my *R* window is shown in light red, starting after the echo "This is mgcv 1.5-6 . For overview type ", the following `help("mgcv-package")' is already in the light red. This color annoys me because I need more contrast, and it is even worse for use with a beamer. In the options menu I can open "Appearance" and then "Foreground color for comint mode", but apart from the "[quit] in the upper left corner I can see no hint how to make a choice, let alone make it permanent. Or will I have to try "Appearance" > "Customize Aquamacs"? M-x color-theme-select opens an empty frame with nothing to select from (Hint given in What am I missing? Thanks for help. C.Hoffmann -- Dr. Christian W. Hoffmann, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL Zuercherstrasse 111, CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland Tel +41-44-7392-277 (office), -111(exchange), -215 (fax) christian.hoffmann at, "Jene, die grundlegende Freiheit aufgeben wuerden, um eine geringe voruebergehende Sicherheit zu erwerben, verdienen weder Freiheit noch Sicherheit." - Benjamin Franklin