Hi, I have a strange behavior of plot function when trying to plot a discriminant analysis obtained by fda. I'd attached the data for reproduction. I made the same analysis (linear discriminant analysis) but using lda and fda (default args, using "polyreg"). The resulting coefficients and trace proportions for the two analysis are the same, that's good, but if you plot the two analysis the graphs are very different. Plotting the results of lda function gives much more overlapping of points from different groups than using fda. If you make: libray(MASS) library(mda) read.table("data", header=T) -> data data[,1] -> grp data[,2:24] -> X #Linear discriminant analysis using fda fda(grp ~ ., data=X) -> FDA plot(FDA) #Linear discriminant analysis using lda lda(grp ~ ., data=X) -> LDA plot(LDA, col=palette()[grp])# Very different results #Same coefficients coef(FDA) coef(LDA) Regards,