Can anyone please help me in understanding the utility of "padj" and
(logical)" values in the '*mtext function*'
given below are the output I generated on using the below code which is
different from the formula description on r help
> par(mfrow=c(2,1),xpd=NA)
> y1 <- rnorm(100)
> plot(y1,ann=F,axes=F,type="l")
> box(col="blue")
> mtext("aone",side=1,padj=0)
> mtext("aone",side=1,padj=1)
> mtext("aone",side=2,padj=1)
> mtext("aone",side=2,padj=0)
and the output is in the attached jpeg
This is different from the r help description
padj adjustment for each string perpendicular to the reading direction
(which is controlled by adj). For strings parallel to the axes, padj 0means
right or top alignment, and padj
= 1 means left or bottom alignment.
Also please explain the utility of setting outer = TRUE/FALSE # I know that
logical values permit/prohibit use of outer region but again I am unable to
see that happening
plot(y1,ann=F,axes=F,type="l")> box(col="blue")
> mtext("aone",side=1,adj=0,outer=F)
> mtext("aone",side=1,adj=0,outer=T)
> # nothing changes when I change the settings of outer from false to true-
why?> mtext("aone",side=3,adj=0,outer=T)
> # again nothing happens why?
> mtext("aone",side=3,adj=0,outer=F)
(please see mtext2.jpg for the output that I am generating for different
logical values of Outer)
Thanks in advance for the help