Hello there after I became familiar with R and Design of Experiments, I tried to make a fourier transform with kzft but failed. I don't understand kzft.pdf right. I tried: t<-1:1000 x<-cos(2*pi*(1/100)*t) kzft.x1<-kzft(x,200,1,0.005) x1<-2*Re(kzft.x1$tf[,2]) //Is it "Re" because it's complex? What exactly do I acess here? plot(x1,main="sin") /with this I plot the pure sin I don't understand the fifth argument "n" in kzft(). Now I like to have a picture of the frequencies. Is it the periodogram with kzp()? I tried something but once more... I don't understand the examples in kzft.pdf completely: omega<-seq(0,1,length=481)[2:241]//What for is [2:241] My idea is to use kzft at different sampling rates of an ADC, or to improve the measurements of my cheap oscilloscope. Like the FFT-button, but better and with R. Is there somewhere a better explanation of kzft() than kzft.pdf? Or can anybody help me with this package? thanks Markus