Matthew Schneider
2009-Oct-22 00:54 UTC
[R] Calculating Random Effects Coefficients from lmer
Hello all, I am new to the list serve but hope to contribute what I can. For now, however, I hope to tap into all your knowledge about mixed effects models. Currently, I am running a mixed effects model on a time series panel data. For this model I want to find out the fixed and random effect for two discrete variables. My Model: m1 <- lmer(mghegdp_who ~ govdisgdp_up_net + pridisgdp_up_net + mgdppc_usd06_imf + drdisgdp + mggegdpwb + hiv_prevalence + (0 + govdisgdp_up_net|country) + (0 + pridisgdp_up_net|country), data) To find the overall effect *with confidence intervals* of govdisgdp_up_net & pridisgdp_up_net I need to account for the fixed and random effects. Has any calculated this? Or does anyone have suggestions? Also, does anyone know of the ability to calculate the postVar for a model with multiple random effects? Thank you and look forward to hearing your insights. Matt 'Lost in Seattle' [[alternative HTML version deleted]]