Hi all
I have been doing series of linear regression models lm(). In this case the
execution time and memory usage becomes a huge issue. I have therefore been
trying to speed the process and limit the memory usage.
Here follows part of the code do give better understanding of what I am doing:
modela <- lm(RSSYS10 ~ RS_AGE + RS_AGESQ + SEX + RS_BMI)
frssys <- function(SNP_A1,data=sys_pheno, model=modela){
modelb <- lm(RSSYS10 ~ RS_AGE + RS_AGESQ + SEX + RS_BMI +
modelc <- lm(RSSYS10 ~ RS_AGESQ + SEX + RS_BMI + SNP_A1 * RS_AGE,data=data)
p1 <- anova(model,modelb)$P[2]
p2 <- anova(model,modelc)$P[2]
p3 <- anova(modelb,modelc)$P[2]
result_matrix <- apply(mldose_asmatrix[,2:ncol(mldose_asmatrix)],2,frssys)
Data frame sys_pheno has all variables except SNP_A1. In matrix mldose_asmatrix
is a series of variables (columns), which are called SNP_A1 in the function
frssys. Matrix mldose_asmatrix is very big with up to 50 000 columns and it
happens that R runs out of memory.
Does anyone have an idea how I can save memory and/or speed up the process?
Gauti Gislason
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