R-helpers I have been learning a little bit of R. I am simulating and i want to draw a normal curve for all my variables so that i will see the overlaps and reduce them, after that i want to draw a gragh of all the values that are in the data frame to see if it follows a normal distribution also. Lastly i will try to sample from this data. Please help and make suggestions. My codes #code for dataframe Hypermarket <- matrix(rnorm(100, mean=50000, sd=5000)) Supermarket <- matrix(rnorm(400, mean=34000, sd=3000)) Minimarket <- matrix(rnorm(1000, mean=10000,sd=2000)) Cornershop <- matrix(rnorm(1500, mean=2500, sd=500)) Spazashop <- matrix(rnorm(2000, mean=1000, sd=250)) dat=data.frame(type=c(rep("Hypermarket",100), rep("Supermarket",400), rep("Minimarket",1000),rep("Cornershop",1500), rep("Spazashop",2000)), value=c(Hypermarket, Supermarket, Minimarket, Cornershop,Spazashop)) dat #code for histogram of Hypermarket(Please suggest something simple ) hist(Hypermarket, breaks=seq(30000, 65000, 1000), freq=F) x<- seq(30000, 65000, 500) lines(x, dnorm(x, 50000, 5000)) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]