On Aug 21, 2009, at 9:19 AM, rajclinasia wrote:
> hi,
> Thanks for responding of gantt charts. but i have some problem
> regarding
> with gantt charts. i.e.
> Ymd.format <- "%Y/%m/%d"
> Ymd <- function(x){ as.POSIXct(strptime(x, format=Ymd.format))}
> gantt.info <- list(
> labels =c("First task","Second task","Third
> task","Fifth
> task"),
> starts
> =
> Ymd
> ends
> =
> Ymd
> priorities =c(1,2,3,4,5))
> gantt.chart(gantt.info,main="Calendar date Gantt chart")
> the above code is fworking for individual varibale, that variables
> we have
> to specify manually for each variable.
> but my question is assume that above data stored in a excel file
> 'sample'.
> now i want gantt chart for the 'sample' dataset.
It appears that you need to avail yourself of the introductory
material that is on CRAN and pay particular attention to descriptions
of the transfer of information from Excel to R. While it is possible
to read Excel files from R, you have provided none of the information
needed to allow specific advice on that point. Creation of a tab
separated or comma separated file from Excel and reading into R is a
rather generic approach for such transfers and would be the most
advisable for an R-newbie to use. Once you have mastered that basic
procedure, you should come back to the help-list with specific code
and specific examples showing what you have tried and where you got
stuck (with complete copies of the console output).
cran.r-project.org/manuals.html #in particular "R Data Import/
(With R-help there is an expectation that you _first_ read the manuals
_and_ spend time working the examples you will find there. _Then_ post
David Winsemius, MD
Heritage Laboratories
West Hartford, CT