Hi, Does anyone know of a package/script that will implement the Whittle (1953) estimator for the parameters of an invertible stationary ARMA time series model? The estimator is defined on, for example, pg. 378 of Brockwell & Davis (1991). I assume that the internal call .whittle in this code due to Diethelm Wuertz can be used, but I am unsure how: http://r-forge.r-project.org/plugins/scmsvn/viewcvs.php/*checkout*/pkg/fArma/R/whittle.R?rev=2307&root=rmetrics Thanks @article{whittle1953estimation, title={{Estimation and information in stationary time series}}, author={Whittle, P.}, journal={Arkiv f{\\"o}r Matematik}, volume={2}, number={5}, pages={423--434}, year={1953}, publisher={Springer} } @book{brockwell1991time, title={{Time series: theory and methods}}, author={Brockwell, P.J. and Davis, R.A.}, year={1991}, publisher={Springer} }