whizvast wrote:>
> Hi, useR-
> In RMySQL, how do I overwrite records? (equivalent to "replace"
> For example, suppose that dat2 is a newer data.frame than dat1.
> con <- dbConnect(MySQL())
> res <- dbWriteTable(con, "DBname", dat1, row.names=F,
append=T, replace=T)
> res <- dbWriteTable(con, "DBname", dat2, row.names=F,
append=T, replace=T)
> This would not update/replace the dat1 records in "DBname" with
> records from dat2.
> How would you solve the problem? Thanks>
In case it isn't too late (it's vacation time around), try:
dbWriteTable(con, "DBname", dat2, overwrite=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
I believe you are confusing "DBname" with the DATABASE from the MySQL
is not specified here but in dbConnect(). A correct (and complete)
connection to the MySQL should specify the database as well; for example:
con <- dbConnect(drv, user="myusername",
dbname="mydatabase", host="xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx")
Here, the "dbname" argument specifies the database used, the
equivalent of
USE command in MySQL.
If "DBname" refers to a table in the database used with dbConnect(),
the first command of dbWriteTable() that I indicated (without your "res
it's a pure command to the MySQL connection, which should not be saved into
an object) will replace the table "DBname" with your "dat2"
I hope it helps,
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