Please do read the posting guides and give us a reproducible
example. We don't know what the errors you get from HoltWinters
are. I guess we need to see the data you are using etc.
Giovanni Petris
> Date: Thu, 06 Aug 2009 11:33:58 -0700 (PDT)
> From: voidobscura <nshah171 at>
> Sender: r-help-bounces at
> Precedence: list
> I have a set of data (in a matrix). I spliced a column out and parsed it
> as.ts (time series). I then plotted the time series but I found that it
> very noisy. I wanted to smooth it out. However, I am having some problems
> smoothing and plotting the smoothed version.
> > A <- as.ts(read.table(choose.files()))
> > x <- as.ts(A[,10])
> > plot(x)
> > > plot(smooth(x))
> plot(smooth(x)) looks exactly like plot(x). Also,
> > StructTS(x)
> Error in optim(init[mask], getLike, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower =
rep(0, :
> L-BFGS-B needs finite values of 'fn'
> The HoltWinters smoothing or the Kalman smoothing don't work either for
> various errors... I'm not quite sure what's wrong.
> Thanks.
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