Jeff DaCosta wrote:>
> I am really having trouble with getting the right syntax for my
> model. Here is a truncated version of my data:
> > data
> Ind Treatment Order Date PC1
> 1 PER14 SC 3rd 4-May-09 0.5704611
> 2 PER14 SH 1st 26-Apr-09 0.5329025
> 3 PER14 AC 2nd 29-Apr-09 2.1392279
> 4 PER25 SC 2nd 29-Apr-09 -0.2083382
> 5 PER25 SH 3rd 3-May-09 3.7818356
> 6 PER25 AC 1st 26-Apr-09 -1.9689733
> 7 PER30 SC 1st 24-Apr-09 -0.1255970
> 8 PER30 SH 2nd 27-Apr-09 2.1474393
> 9 PER30 AC 3rd 30-Apr-09 -1.8683396
> > str(data)
> 'data.frame': 9 obs. of 5 variables:
> $ Ind : Factor w/ 3 levels "PER14","PER25",..: 1
1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3
> $ Treatment: Factor w/ 3 levels
"AC","SC","SH": 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1
> $ Order : Factor w/ 3 levels
"1st","2nd","3rd": 3 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 3
> $ Date : Factor w/ 7 levels
"24-Apr-09","26-Apr-09",..: 7 2 4 4
> 5 2 1 3 6
> $ PC1 : num 0.57 0.533 2.139 -0.208 3.782 ...
> > factor(Order, ordered=TRUE)
> [1] 3rd 1st 2nd 2nd 3rd 1st 1st 2nd 3rd
> Levels: 1st < 2nd < 3rd
> > factor(Date,ordered=TRUE)
> [1] 4-May-09 26-Apr-09 29-Apr-09 29-Apr-09 3-May-09 26-Apr-09 24-
> Apr-09 27-Apr-09 30-Apr-09
> Levels: 24-Apr-09 < 26-Apr-09 < 27-Apr-09 < 29-Apr-09 <
3-May-09 < 30-
> Apr-09 < 4-May-09
> "Ind" are different individuals in the study, each of which
> three "Treatment"s (SC, SH, and AC). The "Order"
(ordered=TRUE) in
> which each individual received a treatment was systematically
> shuffled in the study, and the "Date" (ordered=TRUE) is simply
> each treatment was completed. The response variable are scores from
> a principal components analysis ("PC1").
> So I want to run a model where "PC1" is the response variable and
> "Ind" is nested within "Treatment", and I also want to
> "Order" and "Date" as random factors.
> I have been struggling to describe the model with aov, lm, lme, and
> lmer, and don't think I'm getting the syntax right. Suggestions?
I suggest you forward to the r-sig-mixed-models list, where the
question is less likely to get lost in the noise.
A few other thoughts:
* "Order" might as well be treated as fixed, you probably won't be
able to
get a reliable estimate of its associated variance.
* I'm not sure that you'll be able to make very much use of the ordering
the factors (unless you want to be extreme and treat them as continuous
covariates, i.e. fit a linear trend) in the aov/lme/lmer world.
* I would think that
lmer(PC1 ~ Treatment*Order+(1|Ind)+(1|Date),data=data)
would be a good start.
Have you read Pinheiro and Bates 2000?
Ben Bolker
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