2009-Jul-01 01:07 UTC
[R] number of iterations exceeded maximum of 50 using profile
Hi R users and experts: I got the following message when I use the profile function on a nls models. The nls function converges at 19 interactions, but I don't know what I am doing wrong using the "profile" function. "Error en prof$getProfile() : number of iterations exceeded maximum of 50" I'm sending the database and the R script. abutilon<-read.csv2("abutilon.csv") abutilon$hrb_tam<-factor(with(abutilon,paste(herbicida,tam))) modeloNL1<-nls(porcpesoseco~alfa[hrb_tam]*(beta[hrb_tam]*tasa^gamma[hrb_tam] /(1+beta[hrb_tam]*tasa^gamma[hrb_tam])),data=abutilon, start=list(alfa=rep(100,6),beta=rep(0.6,6),gamma=rep(-1,6))) summary(modeloNL1) profile(modeloNL1) Thank you for your help. Kenneth