Shige Song
2009-Jul-27 04:13 UTC
[R] Disable summary statistics in LaTeX tables using MEMISC package
Dear All, The "mtable" function in "memisc" package is very useful in producing publication quality tables directly from estimated models. There are cases where only the estimated coefficients and standard errors are needed in the table but not the summary staitstics such as N, value of the likelihood, AIC, etc. The "summary.stats=FALSE" option is supposed to do this, but there seems to be some problems. The easiest way to verify this is to run the "anes48.R" file, which is distributed as part of the package, then change the last line from: mtable(model1,model6,model7,summary.stats=c("Deviance","AIC","N")) to: mtable(model1,model6,model7,summary.stats=FALSE) I get the error message of "Error in as.table.default(sumstats) : cannot coerce into a table". Any ideas? Thanks. Best, Shige [[alternative HTML version deleted]]