On Jul 21, 2009, at 7:23 PM, Joseph Magagnoli wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am getting an error in my code and I don't know what the problem is.
> I am using R 2.9 on ubuntu. my code is as follows:
> ## Libraries ##
> library(survival)
> library(foreign)
> ## reading data ##
> head(data)
> attach(data)
> fit1<-survfit(Surv(durat,censor))
> and I get the following error
>> fit1<-survfit(Surv(durat,censor))
> Error in survfit(Surv(durat, censor)) :
> Survfit requires a formula or a coxph fit as the first argument
> any help is greatly appreciated
> Joe
fit1 <- survfit(Surv(durat, censor) ~ 1, data = data)
See ?survfit and note in the description of 'formula':
For a single survival curve the right hand side should be ~ 1.
I would also avoid using attach() as it can create subsequent
problems, which is why there is the 'data' argument to most R
functions that take a formula argument.
Marc Schwartz