Your example is not self-contained, which makes it more difficult
to answer your question.
However, I believe you should be able to answer the question by
studying the examples on the help pages for "gnls" and possibly
"corCompSymm", using the following additional commands:
# To see a list of functions you can apply to objects of class "gnls":
# With luck, one of these will contain the answer to your question.
# To see the "structure" of the "res" object returned by
If these hints are not adequate, please provide a minimal,
self-contained example, as requested in the posting guide
"". You should be able to
such fairly easily by modifying one of the examples in the "gnls" and
"corCompSymm" help pages.
Hope this helps.
Spencer Graves
Mahbub Latif wrote:> Hello list:
> How to extract the value of "Rho" from a gnls() object. I am
using gnls()
> function similar to
> res <- gnls(y~SSmicmen(),correlation=corCompSymm(form~1|b),data=dat)
> Thanks in advance,
> Mahbub.