Hi all, I am using glm function with family binomial(logit) to fit logistic regression model. My data is very big and the algorithm is such that it has to run glm function hundreds of times. Now *I need only the **estimates of the coefficients and std. error in my output, *but apparently glm function is computing several other statistics and parameters (mentioned below) which increases the run time. [aic, boundary, call, coefficients, contrasts, control, converged, data, deviance, df.null, df.residual, effects, family, fitted.values, formula, iter, linear.predictors, method, model, null.deviance, offset, prior.weights, qr, R, rank, residuals, terms, weights, xlevels, y] Is there a way (apart from scratching the glm code), which only do the minimal computations to output my requirements. Any hints can be helpful. Regards Utkarsh [[alternative HTML version deleted]]