Maayt:> I just imported two raster maps into R using the SPGRASS6 package, one
> containing elevation data and the other containing an erosion index:
> Kar_inc <-readRAST6("Incis_Kar", plugin=FALSE)
> Kar_dem <- readRAST6("DEM_Kar", plugin=FALSE)
> I just wanted to make a xy plot of erosion parameter vs elevation. How does
> this work? I don't get how to handle SpatialGridDataFrames...
you can check some web-pages with respect to GRASS & R [1][2]. This is a
question for grass-stats actually [3].
A quick answer: check the structure of the newly created object and you
will find that the "numbers" are to be found in (e.g. for
"Incis_Kar" )
Kar_inc at data$Incis_Kar.
So use "@data" and the "$" to access a "slot".
Kind regards, Nikos