I'm using R version 2.9.0 and I'm trying to execute an example using
tabnotebook from iwidgets. Unfortunately I get a problem as you can see
> library(tcltk)
Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done> library(tkrplot)
> tclRequire("Iwidgets")
<Tcl> 4.0.1 >
> tt <- tktoplevel()
> tkpack(tn <- tkwidget(tt, "iwidgets::tabnotebook"))
*** caught segfault ***
address 0xffffffb8, cause 'memory not mapped'
1: .External("dotTclObjv", objv, PACKAGE = "tcltk")
2: structure(.External("dotTclObjv", objv, PACKAGE =
"tcltk"), class "tclObj")
3: .Tcl.objv(.Tcl.args.objv(...))
4: tcl(type, win, ...)
5: tkwidget(tt, "iwidgets::tabnotebook")
6: .Tcl.args.objv(...)
7: structure(.External("dotTclObjv", objv, PACKAGE =
"tcltk"), class "tclObj")
8: .Tcl.objv(.Tcl.args.objv(...))
9: tcl("pack", ...)
10: tkpack(tn <- tkwidget(tt, "iwidgets::tabnotebook"))
Possible actions:
1: abort (with core dump, if enabled)
2: normal R exit
3: exit R without saving workspace
4: exit R saving workspace
Selection: error in background error handler:
out of stack space (infinite loop?)
while executing
"::tcl::Bgerror {out of stack space (infinite loop?)} {-code 1 -level 0
-errorcode NONE -errorinfo {out of stack space (infinite loop?)
while execu..."
error in background error handler:
out of stack space (infinite loop?)
while executing
"::tcl::Bgerror {out of stack space (infinite loop?)} {-code 1 -level 0
-errorcode NONE -errorinfo {out of stack space (infinite loop?)
while execu..."
Anybody could help me?
Talita Perciano
Department of Computer Science - IME - USP
PhD Student in Computer Science
S?o Paulo, SP, Brazil
Tel: +55 11 8826 7092