Does anyone know which package include the computation of Cochran’s Q statistic in R? jlfmssm [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
On Jun 4, 2009, at 7:48 AM, jlfmssm wrote:> Does anyone know which package include the computation of Cochran?s Q > statistic in R? > > jlfmssmSee this thread: HTH, Marc Schwartz
jlfmssm wrote:> Does anyone know which package include the computation of Cochran?s Q > statistic in R? >install.packages("outliers")
jlfmssm schrieb:> Does anyone know which package include the computation of Cochran?s Q > statistic in R? > > jlfmssm > > [[alternative HTML version deleted]] >I might be wrong but the packages rmeta and meta report a Q-statistic. For an example, see library(meta) meta1 metagen(meta1$TE, meta1$seTE, sm="RR") Bernd Agresti's description of Cochran's Q (p 252) in "Introduction to Categorical Analysis" suggests that Cochran's Q is a particular application the generalized CMH test. You can get R code examples from Thompson's "R (and S-PLUS) Manual to Accompany Agresti?s 'Categorical Data Analysis' (2002) 2nd edition". The coin package also has a cmh_test() -- On Jun 4, 2009, at 8:48 AM, jlfmssm wrote:> Does anyone know which package include the computation of Cochran?s Q > statistic in R? > > jlfmssmDavid Winsemius, MD Heritage Laboratories West Hartford, CT