Dear all I am trying to install Rgraphviz on a Mac PPC, Vers. 10.4.11, under R vers. 2.9. My graphviz is installed at "/usr/local/graphviz-2.14". I get the following error: ... configure: Using default directory /usr/local, consider specifiying -- with-graphviz configure: error: /usr/local/bin/dot not found. Check Graphviz installation. Fehler: configuration failed f?r Paket ?Rgraphviz? * Removing ?/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.9/Resources/ library/Rgraphviz? * Restoring previous ?/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.9/ Resources/library/Rgraphviz? Warning message: In install.packages("Rgraphviz_1.22.1.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source") : Installation des Pakets 'Rgraphviz_1.22.1.tar.gz' hatte Exit- Status ungleich 0 > Seems that it can't find Graphviz. Thanks a lot in advance for any indications on how to solve this problem. Alex