René J.V. Bertin
2009-Apr-28 17:28 UTC
[R] [macosx] improving quartz & Aqua Tk behaviour outside of RGui
Hello, On Mac OS X, certain Aqua/Quartz UI functionality requires an application to be launched from within an app bundle, or (alternatively) requires a Carbon application with a resource fork. Playing with the wxWidgets distribution, I discovered that it is quite easy and transparent to make such a Carbon app from (I guess) any command line application. When applied to the R executable called from the command line (/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/exec/R), this indeed improves the behaviour of Quartz graphics windows, and of dialogs made with TclTk (Aqua version 8.4), which for me now behave like under X11. (i.e. as if controlled by a separate thread while the prompt remains usable.) I've created a small, standalone, shell script that does the necessary work, based on code and files from the wxWidgets distribution: mkApp /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/exec/R does the trick. The script can be downloaded from Hope this helps (and isn't too old news...) R.B.
René J.V. Bertin
2009-May-11 14:17 UTC
[Rd] [macosx] improving quartz & Aqua Tk behaviour outside of RGui
A couple of weeks ago I posted a trick in R-help on improving Quartz behaviour in the command line version of R: . Works with Aqua Tcl/Tk 8.5 too, but I discovered one annoying side-effect. After having a Tk dialog open (and using it) for a while, the R process starts eating more than 50% cpu on my PPC G4, using either the 8.4 or the 8.5 Tcl/Tk libraries. (I'm currently running R 2.8.1 .) This does NOT happen when running the exact same code in the same commandline R version with the 8.4 X11 Tcl/Tk libraries, nor when I run the Quartz version in R-GUI. For completeness, here's the Tcl/Tk function: dialog.test <- function(wait=FALSE) { with3 <- function( data1, data2=.GlobalEnv, expr ) { attach(data1) attach(data2) on.exit( detach(data1), add= FALSE ) on.exit( detach(data2), add= TRUE ) try( eval( substitute(expr), parent.frame() ) ) } require(tcltk) || stop("tcltk support is absent") tt <- tktoplevel() tkwm.title(tt,"VG1 tests") tt.done <- tclVar("0") name <- paste('dialog.test',as.character(tt$ID), sep='') assign( name, tt, env=tdialog.env ) dialogVals<-get("dialogVals", env=RJVB.env) data<-tclVar(dialogVals[1]) crit<-tclVar(dialogVals[2]) eval1st<-tclVar(dialogVals[9]) func<-tclVar(dialogVals[3]) args<-tclVar(dialogVals[4]) args2<-tclVar(dialogVals[5]) acomm<-tclVar(dialogVals[8]) sumvar <- tclVar(dialogVals[7]) done <- tclVar(0) savecmd<-tclVar(dialogVals[6]); devvar <- tclVar( dev.cur() ) theData <- "" reset <- function() { tclvalue(data)<-"" tclvalue(crit)<-"" tclvalue(eval1st)<-"" tclvalue(func)<-"" tclvalue(args)<-"" tclvalue(args2)<-"" tclvalue(acomm)<-"" tclvalue(sumvar)<-"0" } doSource <- function() { fileN <- tclvalue( tkgetOpenFile() ) if( fileN != "" ){ try( source(fileN) ) } } dfInfo <- function(fnc) { ## notice that tclvalue() is correct here, since it is the ## string representation of xvar and yvar that is being ## displayed in the entry fields dataf <- tclvalue(data) crit <- tclvalue(crit) eval1st <- tclvalue(eval1st) if( is.null(crit) | !strlen(crit) ){ theData <- paste( dataf ) assign( "Selected.Cases", "", env=RJVB.env ) } else{ theData <- paste( "SelectCases(", dataf, ",\"", crit, "\")" ) } cmd<-paste( fnc, "( ", theData, " )" ) try( cmd<-parse( text=cmd ) ); print( paste( "###", cmd ) ) print( try( eval(cmd, envir=.GlobalEnv) ) ) cmd } build <- function() { ## notice that tclvalue() is correct here, since it is the ## string representation of xvar and yvar that is being ## displayed in the entry fields dataf <- tclvalue(data) crit <- tclvalue(crit) eval1st <- tclvalue(eval1st) func <- tclvalue(func) args <- tclvalue(args) args2 <- tclvalue(args2) acomm <- tclvalue(acomm) summ <- as.logical(tclObj(sumvar)) assign( "dialogVals", c(dataf,crit,func,args,args2,dialogVals[6],tclvalue(sumvar), acomm, eval1st ), env=RJVB.env ) if( is.null(crit) | !strlen(crit) ){ theData <- paste( dataf ) assign( "Selected.Cases", "", env=RJVB.env ) } else{ theData <- paste( "SelectCases(", dataf, ",\"", crit, "\")" ) } if( is.null(acomm) | | !strlen(acomm) ){ acomm <- "" } else{ acomm <- paste( ", add.comment=\"", acomm, "\"" ) } if( summ ){ cmd<-paste( "with3( ", theData, ", tkdial.env, summary( last.dialog.result<-", func, "(", args, ",", args2, acomm, ") ) )" ) # cmd<-paste( "with2( ", theData, ", summary( last.dialog.result<-", func, "(", args, ",", args2, acomm, ") ) )" ) } else{ cmd<-paste( "with3( ", theData, ", tkdial.env, last.dialog.result<-", func, "(", args, ",", args2, acomm, ") )" ) # cmd<-paste( "with2( ", theData, ", last.dialog.result<-", func, "(", args, ",", args2, acomm, ") )" ) } assign( "Selected.Data", theData, env=RJVB.env ) try( cmd<-parse( text=cmd ) ); cmd } saveIt <- function() { cmd<-savecmd <- tclvalue(savecmd) assign( "dialogVals", c(dialogVals[1],dialogVals[2],dialogVals[3],dialogVals[4],dialogVals[5],cmd,dialogVals[7], dialogVals[9]), env=RJVB.env ) try( cmd<-parse( text=savecmd ) ); cmd } doIt <- function(cmd="") { orgDev <- dev.cur() try( dev.set( tclvalue(devvar) ) ) func <- tclvalue(func) eval1st <- tclvalue(eval1st) eval( parse( text="tkdial.env <- new.env()"), env=.GlobalEnv ) if( !is.null(eval1st) & strlen(eval1st) ){ try( eval1st <- parse( text=eval1st ) ); cat(deparse(eval1st,width=500),sep="\n") print( try( eval(eval1st, env=tkdial.env) ) ); ls( env=tkdial.env ) } cat("### Command executed via Tk ###\n") cat(deparse(cmd,width=500),sep="\n") cat("### Output:\n") dialogVals<-get("dialogVals", env=RJVB.env) print( system.time( print( try( res<-eval(cmd, envir=.GlobalEnv) ) ) ) ) if( func == 'aov' | func == 'aov.VG1' ){ cat('\n') try( print( TukeyHSD(res, ordered=TRUE) ), silent=TRUE) } cat( paste( "### ----------- (", deparse(tclvalue(data),width=132), ") ----------- ###\n", sep="" ) ) try( dev.set(orgDev) ) eval( parse( text="rm(tkdial.env)" ), env=.GlobalEnv ) } doQuit <- function() { dQ <- function() { tclvalue(done)<-"cancel" tkdestroy(tt) tt.done<-"1" } # if the window is referenced in the windowlist environment, remove the reference and then close if( exists(name, env=tdialog.env) ){ w <- get(name, env=tdialog.env) if( !is.null(w) && class(w) == "tkwin" ){ try( assign( name, NULL, env=tdialog.env ) ) try( rm( list=name, envir=tdialog.env ) ) dQ() } } else{ # if not, close too. Probably means that dQ() can sstill be called recursively... dQ() } return(0) } data.entry <- tkentry(tt, textvariable=data, width=100) crit.entry <- tkentry(tt, textvariable=crit, width=100) eval1st.entry <- tkentry(tt, textvariable=eval1st, width=100) func.entry <- tkentry(tt, textvariable=func, width=100) args.entry <- tkentry(tt, textvariable=args, width=100) args2.entry <- tkentry(tt, textvariable=args2, width=100) acomm.entry <- tkentry(tt, textvariable=acomm, width=100) dev.entry <- tkentry(tt, textvariable=devvar, width=2) summ.cbut <- tkcheckbutton(tt,text="Print summary()", variable=sumvar) submit.but <- tkbutton(tt, text="submit", command=function()doIt(build()) ) savecmd.entry <- tkentry(tt, textvariable=savecmd, width=100) save.but <- tkbutton(tt, text="save", command=function()doIt(saveIt()) ) reset.but <- tkbutton(tt, text="Reset", command=reset) source.but <- tkbutton(tt, text="Source", command=function()doSource() ) cancel.but <- tkbutton(tt, text="Cancel", command=doQuit ) names.but <- tkbutton(tt, text="names", command=function()dfInfo("names") ) summary.but <- tkbutton(tt, text="summary", command=function()dfInfo("summary") ) tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="Dataframe"), data.entry, names.but, columnspan=3 ) tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="Sel.Crit"), crit.entry, summary.but, columnspan=3 ) tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="Eval.1st"), eval1st.entry, columnspan=3 ) tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="Analysis"), func.entry, columnspan=3 ) tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="Variables"), args.entry, columnspan=3 ) tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="Options"), args2.entry, columnspan=3 ) tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="Comment"), acomm.entry, columnspan=3 ) tkgrid(summ.cbut, tklabel(tt,text="Device"), dev.entry, sticky="e" , columnspan=3 ) tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="Save cmd"), savecmd.entry, columnspan=3 ) tkgrid(submit.but, save.but, reset.but, source.but, cancel.but, columnspan=2, sticky="w") ## capture destroy (e.g. from window controls ## otherwise the tkwait hangs with nowhere to go) # tkbind(tt, "<Destroy>", function()tclvalue(done)<-"quit") tkbind(tt, "<Destroy>", function()doQuit()) tkbind(tt, "<Return>", function()doIt(build()) ) tkbind(tt, "<Control-s>", function()doIt(saveIt()) ) tkbind(tt, "<Control-S>", function()doSource() ) .Tcl("update idletasks") if( wait ){ while( tclvalue(done) != "cancel" ){ tkwait.variable(done) doQuit() } } # else{ # return(tt) # } ## not necessary: button handlers do all the work, until tkdestroy(). # tkwait.variable(done) # # while( tclvalue(done)!= "cancel" ){ # if(tclvalue(done)=="quit") stop("aborted") # # if( tclvalue(done)=="save"){ # cmd <- saveIt() # } # else{ # cmd <- build() # } # cat("### Command executed via Tk ###\n") # cat(deparse(cmd,width=132),sep="\n") # cat("### Output:\n") # dialogVals<-get("dialogVals", env=RJVB.env) # print( try( eval.parent(cmd) ) ) # cat("### ----------------------- ###\n") # # tkwait.variable(done) # } # return(NULL) } On 2009-04-28, Ren? J.V. Bertin <rjvbertin at> wrote:> mkApp /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/exec/R<snip>> improves the behaviour of Quartz graphics windows, and of dialogs made > with TclTk (Aqua version 8.4), which for me now behave like under X11. > (i.e. as if controlled by a separate thread while the prompt remains > usable.)