Thanks for the report.
There have been some problems with the WIndows binary package building
process that have been fixed since yesterday. Everything except
FactoMineR works again (I hope), a corrected version of the FactoMineR
binary will appear on CRAN master within a few hours. That one slipped
through when I looked what needed to be recompiled in a hurry yesterday.
Uwe Ligges
R Heberto Ghezzo, Dr wrote:> Hello,
> I am trying to upgrade the system:
> niu <- new.packages()
> install.packages(niu)
> commands that have worked in previous instances, now it downloads the
packages missing but complains with:
> malformed bundle DESCRPTION file, no Contains field
> and does this for
> diseasemapping_0.3
> EMJumpDiffusion_1.3.4
> InfluenceME_0.6
> since it stops installing I gave up. Now I tried to Update my packages and
after one or two updates the same complain
> for FactoMineR_1.12
> I used the mirror of Toronto and then I checked the one in Austria given
the same error
> Using the last R-2.9.0 in Win XP SP3
> .
> Heberto Ghezzo
> Montreal Canada
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