Dear all, I want to write regression equation on R graph by taking the actual values of the regression coefficients. I have problem when writing X^2 (printed as X superscripts 2). I know there's a function "expression" but still no luck to use it in this case. Below is the R code as an example: plot(x,y,col=2) reg.quad<-lm(y~x+I(x^2))<-coef(reg.quad)[1]+coef(reg.quad)[2]*x+coef(reg.quad)[3]*x^2 lines(x,,lty=1) text(4,1,paste("y=",round(coef(reg.quad)[1],4),round(coef(reg.quad)[2],4),"X",round(coef(reg.quad)[3],4),"X^2"),col=4) Thanks in advance.