Hi, All
I have a data frame as follows:
> attach(mf)
> names(mf)
[1] "centre" "complex" "appl"
"pool" "month" "alloc_gb"
I want to summarize this as follows:
That seems to run fine but there something odd about the output. The
first 3 by levels are as expected, for example
> levels(agg$centre)
[1] "B" "G" "O" "Q"
However, month gets messed up somehow:
> levels(agg$month)
The original input data was in yearmon format:
> class(month)
[1] "yearmon"
I was expecting agg$month to have all the various values of mf$month.
What am I doing wrong here? Do I have to drop mf$pool somehow?
Jim Lane
Capacity Planner
RBC Financial Group
315 Front St W
6th Floor - H14
Toronto, Ontario CANADA
M5V 3A4
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