Dear R users, I am having trouble devising an efficient way to run a loess() function on all columns of a data.frame (with the x factor remaining the same for all columns) and I was hoping that someone here could help me fix my code so that I won't have to resort to using a for loop. (You'll find the upcoming lines of code in a single block near the end of the message.) Here's a small sample of my data :, 259, 288, 284, 276, 274, 284, 288, 273, 278), final.weight= c(2609.328, 2955.701, 4159.837, 4591.258, 5144.559, 2877.159, 4384.498, 3348.454, 3323.391, 2918.055)) ; "birth.vec" is in days and "final.weight" is in grams. Now, what I'm trying to do is to output smoothed curves for the 10th, 50th and 90th percentiles over completed weeks. In other words, I transform "birth.vec" into a factor vector of completed weeks with completed.weeks = as.factor(floor($birth.vec/7)) ; I use these factors to get weight quantiles by completed weeks with quan.list = tapply($final.weight,INDEX = completed.weeks,FUN=quantile,probs=c(0.1,0.5,0.9)) ; I then collapse the list into a data.frame with quan.frame = data.frame(,quan.list)) ; Now comes the time to apply the loess() function to each percentile curve (i.e. to each column in quan.frame). Note that the x values for all percentile columns (i.e. X10., X50., X90.) x.values = as.numeric(rownames(quan.frame)) ; Once again, using tapply() (and transposing beforehand): t.quan.frame = t(quan.frame) ; ## The following command doesn't work smooth.result = tapply(t.quan.frame,INDEX=as.factor(rep(1:nrow(t.quan.frame),each=ncol(t.quan.frame))),FUN=loess) ; The "formula" argument of loess() is of course missing, since I have no idea how I could specify it in a way that the function could understand it. Now, for your convenience, here's the code patched together: ########, 259, 288, 284, 276, 274, 284, 288, 273, 278), final.weight= c(2609.328, 2955.701, 4159.837, 4591.258, 5144.559, 2877.159, 4384.498, 3348.454, 3323.391, 2918.055)) ; completed.weeks = as.factor(floor($birth.vec/7)) ; quan.list = tapply($final.weight,INDEX = completed.weeks,FUN=quantile,probs=c(0.1,0.5,0.9)) ; quan.frame = data.frame(,quan.list)) ; x.values = as.numeric(rownames(quan.frame)) ; t.quan.frame = t(quan.frame) ; ## The following command doesn't work smooth.result = tapply(t.quan.frame,INDEX=as.factor(rep(1:nrow(t.quan.frame),each=ncol(t.quan.frame))),FUN=loess) ; ####### So, is there a way to modify this code so that I'll get smoothed percentile curves? Any suggestion as to how it could be improved is also welcome. Although the forum archive is fairly comprehensive, phrasing search queries in a way that will yield the desired result is sometimes hard, hence this request for help that to some of you will most likely seem redundant. I thank you sincerely for your time, Luc
Dear Luc, I stumbled on your unanswered question only this morning. Sorry for this lateness... Le jeudi 23 avril 2009 ? 15:56 -0400, Luc Villandre a ?crit :> Dear R users, > > I am having trouble devising an efficient way to run a loess() function > on all columns of a data.frame (with the x factor remaining the same for > all columns) and I was hoping that someone here could help me fix my > code so that I won't have to resort to using a for loop. > > (You'll find the upcoming lines of code in a single block near the end > of the message.) > > Here's a small sample of my data : > >, 259, 288, 284, 276, 274, 284, 288, > 273, 278), final.weight= c(2609.328, 2955.701, 4159.837, 4591.258, > 5144.559, 2877.159, 4384.498, 3348.454, 3323.391, 2918.055)) ; > > "birth.vec" is in days and "final.weight" is in grams. Now, what I'm > trying to do is to output smoothed curves for the 10th, 50th and 90th > percentiles over completed weeks. In other words, I transform > "birth.vec" into a factor vector of completed weeks with > > completed.weeks = as.factor(floor($birth.vec/7)) ; > > I use these factors to get weight quantiles by completed weeks with > > quan.list = tapply($final.weight,INDEX = > completed.weeks,FUN=quantile,probs=c(0.1,0.5,0.9)) ; > > I then collapse the list into a data.frame with > > quan.frame = data.frame(,quan.list)) ; > > Now comes the time to apply the loess() function to each percentile > curve (i.e. to each column in quan.frame). Note that the x values for > all percentile columns (i.e. X10., X50., X90.) > > x.values = as.numeric(rownames(quan.frame)) ; > > Once again, using tapply() (and transposing beforehand): > > t.quan.frame = t(quan.frame) ; > > ## The following command doesn't work > > smooth.result = > tapply(t.quan.frame,INDEX=as.factor(rep(1:nrow(t.quan.frame),each=ncol(t.quan.frame))),FUN=loess) > ; > > The "formula" argument of loess() is of course missing, since I have no > idea how I could specify it in a way that the function could understand it.Why not tapply(yadda, yadda, function(x)loess(whatever you mean, x is data...)) ? But the whole idea seems ... bizarre : 1) converting time to a *class* variable destroys any ordinal relation between different times ; a "curve" has no meaning. At the minimum, keep this variable numeric. 2) You lose any notion of individual data (e. g. "weight" of each week). 3) Do you have reason to expect empirical quantiles very much different of asymptotic quantiles (modulo a possible variable transformation) ? That forces you to "coarsen" your data, which is rarely a good idea... If no, the asymptotic IC80 curves can be obtained much cheaper. Modulo some possible typos : my.loess<-loess(final.weight~birth.vec, my.pred<-predict(my.loess,<-with(, seq(min(birth.weight), max(birth.weight)))), se=TRUE) my.curve=with(my.pred, data.frame(time=my.pred.times, center=fit, lb=fit+qnorm(0.1)*, ub=fit+qnorm(0.9* # Graphics *will* help : with(my.curve,{ plot(x=range(time), y=range(center,lb,ub), type="n", xlab="Achieved time (days)", ylab="Final weight (g)", main="A suspicious loess() fit"); lines(final.weight~birth.vec, type="p", ; lines(center~time, lty=1) ; lines(lb~time, lty=3) ; lines(ub~time, lty=3) }) Adding your empirical centiles to this graph might help... NB : on your example data set, there is a big gap between the earliest point and the rest, thus suspicious predictions in the gap (lower bound is *negative* ! ) ; maybe a variable change (log ?) might be in order ? This can be assessed only on the full data. HTH, Emmanuel Charpentier
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