I am not quite sure how you define your outlier, but the definition
that I am familiar with is that an outlier is greater than 1.5*Inter
quartile range above the 3rd quartile or below the 1st quartile (this
is the default for the whiskers in boxplot). This can be easily found
x[(x < quantile(x)[2] - 1.5*IQR(x)) | (x > quantile(x)[4] + 1.5*IQR
or if you prefer
is.outlier <- function(x) {(x < quantile(x)[2] - 1.5*IQR(x)) | (x >
quantile(x)[4] + 1.5*IQR(x))}
On Apr 12, 8:51?am, Grze? <gregori... at gmail.com>
wrote:> Hello
> I have a problem like this:
> > Glass$RI[is.outlier(Glass$RI)]
> Error: could not find function "is.outlier"
> Which commend I may add "is.outer" to my application?
> --
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