Christian Salas
2009-Apr-08 16:05 UTC
[R] Sweave problem, with multicolumn tables from R to LaTeX
Hi there, I have been using the example provided bellow for a while, and It was working without any problem. Nevertheless, just since 2-3 days is not working, probably because I did update.packages(). I have tried to re-install the older versions of the packages Hmisc() and xtable(), but still does not work. Can you run this example, and tell me if you got the same problems? I use linux-ubuntu, and R 2.8.1 Here is my .Rnw file %%%%%%% \documentclass{article} \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} \usepackage{Sweave} \SweaveOpts{echo=TRUE} \title{Why is not working this? a table from R having multi columns names} \author{Myself} \date{\today} \begin{document} \maketitle <<label=my.load.fx,keep.source=T>>#Calling some packages library(Hmisc) library(xtable) #version of the packages packageDescription('Hmisc')$Version #version of Hmisc packageDescription('xtable')$Version #version of xtable #version and features of my PC and R R.version$platform R.version$version.string @ \section{The table ready to be exported} An R table as an example. <<>>tab.coef.allmodels <- structure(c(246.8809, 153.6952, 43.6259, 1823.686, -4.0138, -53.8741, -13.9552, -699.7154, 0, -3.0084, -0.5188, -41.7249, 4.0898, 2.0342, 0.2798, 25.636, 235.5128, 160.0244, 30.0147, 1523.0723, 3.7601, -53.9238, -3.9789, -597.1446, 0, -3.2745, -0.0025, -28.7418, 4.4203, 2.1606, 0.0124, 17.9259), .Dim = c(4L, 8L), .Dimnames = list( c("NHA", "GHA", "Hdom", "VHA"), c("Intercept", "stand2", "band3", "band7", "Intercept", "stand2", "band3", "band7" ))) tab.coef.allmodels @ \section{Producing the \LaTeX\ table} \subsection{Showing a simple output table, but not being the aimed one} The following syntax produce Table \ref{tab:coefAllmod1}, which is not what I want. <<label=tab1>>l <- latex(tab.coef.allmodels, file="tab.coefAllmod1.tex", rowlabel="Model for", first.hline.double=FALSE, rowlabel.just="l", caption="MLR and LME parameter estimates by stand variables", caption.loc="top", label="tab:coefAllmod1",where="!h") @ \input{tab.coefAllmod1} \subsection{What I want, but not getting it right} The following syntax produce Table \ref{tab:coefAllmod2}, which contains all the information that i want, but is not giving me the correct format. <<label=tab2>>l <- latex(tab.coef.allmodels, file="tab.coefAllmod2.tex", rowlabel="Model for", first.hline.double=FALSE, rowlabel.just="l", cgroup=c("MLR","LME"), n.cgroup=c(4,4), caption="MLR and LME parameter estimates by stand variables", caption.loc="top", label="tab:coefAllmod2",where="!h") @ \input{tab.coefAllmod2} I have been using this syntax for a while, and was working without any problem. Nevertheless, just since 2-3 days is not working, probably because I did {\tt update.packages()}. I have tried to re-install the older versions of the packages {\tt Hmisc()} and {\tt xtable()}, but still does not work. \vspace{1in} {\Large {\bf What Am I missing here?}} \end{document} %%%%%%% The the main .tex file, tables, the ouput pdf, and the .Rnw files are in the following url, if you want to check them thanks in advance for your help -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Salas E-mail:christian.salas at PhD candidate School of Forestry and Environmental Studies Yale University Tel: +1-(203)-432 5126 360 Prospect St Fax:+1-(203)-432 3809 New Haven, CT 06511-2189 Office: Room 35, Marsh Hall USA Yale Biometrics Lab
Ista Zahn
2009-Apr-09 12:50 UTC
[R] Sweave problem, with multicolumn tables from R to LaTeX
Hi Christian, I've been having this problem as well. There are bug reports about this (one of them mine): so hopefully the developers are aware of the problem and will address it in the next release. By the way: what do you need the xtable library for? I see that you loaded it, but never call any of the functions in your example code. All the best, Ista From: Christian Salas <christian.salas at> To: r-help at Date: Wed, 08 Apr 2009 12:05:34 -0400 Subject: [R] Sweave problem, with multicolumn tables from R to LaTeX Hi there, I have been using the example provided bellow for a while, and It was working without any problem. Nevertheless, just since 2-3 days is not working, probably because I did update.packages(). I have tried to re-install the older versions of the packages Hmisc() and xtable(), but still does not work. Can you run this example, and tell me if you got the same problems? I use linux-ubuntu, and R 2.8.1 Here is my .Rnw file %%%%%%% \documentclass{article} \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} \usepackage{Sweave} \SweaveOpts{echo=TRUE} \title{Why is not working this? a table from R having multi columns names} \author{Myself} \date{\today} \begin{document} \maketitle <<label=my.load.fx,keep.source=T>>#Calling some packages library(Hmisc) library(xtable) #version of the packages packageDescription('Hmisc')$Version #version of Hmisc packageDescription('xtable')$Version #version of xtable #version and features of my PC and R R.version$platform R.version$version.string @ \section{The table ready to be exported} An R table as an example. <<>>tab.coef.allmodels <- structure(c(246.8809, 153.6952, 43.6259, 1823.686, -4.0138, -53.8741, -13.9552, -699.7154, 0, -3.0084, -0.5188, -41.7249, 4.0898, 2.0342, 0.2798, 25.636, 235.5128, 160.0244, 30.0147, 1523.0723, 3.7601, -53.9238, -3.9789, -597.1446, 0, -3.2745, -0.0025, -28.7418, 4.4203, 2.1606, 0.0124, 17.9259), .Dim = c(4L, 8L), .Dimnames = list( c("NHA", "GHA", "Hdom", "VHA"), c("Intercept", "stand2", "band3", "band7", "Intercept", "stand2", "band3", "band7" ))) tab.coef.allmodels @ \section{Producing the \LaTeX\ table} \subsection{Showing a simple output table, but not being the aimed one} The following syntax produce Table \ref{tab:coefAllmod1}, which is not what I want. <<label=tab1>>l <- latex(tab.coef.allmodels, file="tab.coefAllmod1.tex", rowlabel="Model for", first.hline.double=FALSE, rowlabel.just="l", caption="MLR and LME parameter estimates by stand variables", caption.loc="top", label="tab:coefAllmod1",where="!h") @ \input{tab.coefAllmod1} \subsection{What I want, but not getting it right} The following syntax produce Table \ref{tab:coefAllmod2}, which contains all the information that i want, but is not giving me the correct format. <<label=tab2>>l <- latex(tab.coef.allmodels, file="tab.coefAllmod2.tex", rowlabel="Model for", first.hline.double=FALSE, rowlabel.just="l", cgroup=c("MLR","LME"), n.cgroup=c(4,4), caption="MLR and LME parameter estimates by stand variables", caption.loc="top", label="tab:coefAllmod2",where="!h") @ \input{tab.coefAllmod2} I have been using this syntax for a while, and was working without any problem. Nevertheless, just since 2-3 days is not working, probably because I did {\tt update.packages()}. I have tried to re-install the older versions of the packages {\tt Hmisc()} and {\tt xtable()}, but still does not work. \vspace{1in} {\Large {\bf What Am I missing here?}} \end{document} %%%%%%% The the main .tex file, tables, the ouput pdf, and the .Rnw files are in the following url, if you want to check them thanks in advance for your help -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christian Salas E-mail:christian.salas at PhD candidate School of Forestry and Environmental Studies Yale University Tel: +1-(203)-432 5126 360 Prospect St Fax:+1-(203)-432 3809 New Haven, CT 06511-2189 Office: Room 35, Marsh Hall USA Yale Biometrics Lab