On 3/6/09, kenji_aoyagi <kenji_aoyagi@spi-consultants.com>
> Hi,
> I am using glm().
> I'd like to know what the command means.
> For example,
> glm(family=binomial(link=logit))
> means logit model.
Means : binomial response variable transformed with the logit
Then,> glm(family=gaussian(link=logit)),
> does this mean?
Means : normally distributed response variable transformed by the logit
function. Link is the link function, and different link functions can be
used on different data. How R treats these, I don't know, but using the
command '?glm' should get you further.
Thank you in advance.>
> Kenji. A
> Analysis Manager
> SPI - Strategy, Productivity, Insight., Japan
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