andrea.toreti at wrote:> Dear all,
> I have a problem with the integration of the following function.
> Could you please give some suggestions?
> Thank you very much!!!
> y<-rnorm(n=100)
> f<-function(x,xi,h){
> n<-length(xi)
> Ke<-c()
> for(t in 1:n) {
> Ke[t]<-dnorm((x-xi[t])/h)
> }
> fke<-sum(Ke)*(1/(n*h))
> fke<-fke^2
> return(fke)
> }
> integrate(f,-Inf,Inf,xi=y,h=0.32)
integrate expects to work on a function f that works on a vector of x
values (rather than just a scalar x), hence you probably want (somewhat
f <- function(x, xi, h){
n <- length(xi)
Ke <- dnorm((x - xi) / h)
fke <- sum(Ke) * (1 / (n*h))
f2 <- function(x,xi,h){
sapply(x, f, xi = xi, h = h)
integrate(f2, -Inf, Inf, xi=y, h=0.32)
Uwe Ligges
> I obtained this error:
> evaluation of function gave a result of wrong length
> In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the
> first 50)
> 50: In Ke[t] <- dnorm((x - xi[t])/h) :
> number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
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