In lme4 I wamnt to analyse a dataset in which the random effects are somewhat intricate. The nearest approximation of what I want to know is lmer(hr~hpos+((bin=="b")|VP)+(1|(VP:exp)), data) In this design VP denotes the subject variable, and exp the experimental unit (which is obviously nested in VP). The comparison is true in 2/3 of cases. The most interesting outcome are the sd and the BLUPs for this factor with treatment contrast. The problem with this, that the uninteresting intercept term from the first random factor is doubled, because the term 1|(VP:exp) of the second rndom term already estimates individual intercepts for each experimental unit. What is worrying me is that it happens sometimes the lmer summary may look as Formula: hl ~ hpos * vpos + ((bin == "b") | VP) + (1 | (VP:exp)) Data: subset(mean2, bin != "r") AIC BIC logLik deviance REMLdev 42959 43014 -21471 42959 42941 Random effects: Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Corr (VP:exp) (Intercept) 6.56e+06 2.56e+03 VP (Intercept) 2.54e-08 1.59e-04 bin == "b"1 8.30e+01 9.11e+00 0.000 Residual 5.43e+04 2.33e+02 Number of obs: 3077, groups: (VP:exp), 81; VP, 17 or sometimes as Formula: hr ~ hpos * vpos + ((bin == "b") | VP) + (1 | (VP:exp)) Data: subset(mean2, bin != "l") AIC BIC logLik deviance REMLdev 40009 40063 -19995 40010 39991 Random effects: Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Corr (VP:exp) (Intercept) 1.30e+06 1141.39 VP (Intercept) 7.61e+06 2758.21 bin == "b"1 8.07e+01 8.99 -0.779 Residual 4.35e+04 208.47 Number of obs: 2914, groups: (VP:exp), 81; VP, 17 In the first case the 2nd intercept is estimated as nearly zero, in the other of substantial size, but the data themselves should be quite similar, because they are measured in the same experiments, one on the right eye, the other on the left. I did not find a way the eliminate the estimation this term. -- Dipl.-Math. Wilhelm Bernhard Kloke Leibniz-Institut fuer Arbeitsforschung an der TU Dortmund Ardeystrasse 67, D-44139 Dortmund, Tel. 0231-1084-373 PGP: