This is interesting. The fact that there are so few texts on the
subject probably means that very few are using OO programming methods in
I will probably look in the Python direction. Pity. I would have
preferred R.
krzysztof.sakrejda at wrote:> I have been using Chambers for the same purpose but I think he focuses too
much on discussion and too little on technique. The book is frustrating to use
and I often have to dig to find simple usage cases. . Unfortunately there seems
to be no other book which contains the same info. I've been hoping
O'Reilly puts out an R programming book but nothing yet.
> Best,
> Krzysztof
> Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Backer Johnsen <backer at>
> Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 12:31:17
> To: <r-help at>
> Subject: [R] Programming objects in R
> I am planning a project where an object-oriented approach would be
> appropriate, and for a number of reasons I would prefer using either
> Python or R. My problem at the moment is to find out how to do OO
> programming in R. Are there any introductory texts anywhere ?
> Tom
| Tom Backer Johnsen, Psychometrics Unit, Faculty of Psychology |
| University of Bergen, Christies gt. 12, N-5015 Bergen, NORWAY |
| Tel : +47-5558-9185 Fax : +47-5558-9879 |
| Email : backer at URL : |