I have the following dataframe:
ad <- data.frame(dates, av, sn$SectorName)
colnames(ad) <- c("Date", "Value",
which has data (rows 10 to 20, for example) as follows:
Date Value Tag
10 2008-01-16 -0.20875 ConDisc
11 2008-01-17 -0.21125 ConDisc
12 2008-01-18 -0.08875 ConDisc
13 2008-01-21 -0.10875 ConDisc
14 2008-01-22 0.02125 ConDisc
15 2008-01-23 0.09500 ConDisc
16 2008-01-24 0.02500 ConDisc
17 2008-01-25 0.03500 ConDisc
18 2008-01-28 0.06625 ConDisc
19 2008-01-29 0.20500 ConDisc
20 2008-01-30 0.11625 ConDisc
I want to import this data in into an existing MS Access database which has
the following properties:
Name: tblAD
ID: Autonumber, primary key
Date: Date
Value: Double
Tag: String
I am trying this by using the following:
result <- sqlUpdate(channel, ad, "tblAD")
But I get the following error:
> result <- sqlUpdate(channel, ad, "tblAD")
Error in sqlUpdate(channel, ad, "tblAD") :
cannot update 'tblAD' without unique column
Can anyone suggest where I am going wrong?
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